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Going Back to the Office Post COVID-19 - The New Normal

Going Back to the Office Post COVID-19 - The New Normal

Mixed messages from the government

It’s not always easy to understand what the government wants from us. What is considered acceptable on one day is outlawed the next. At the moment we are simultaneously being encouraged to return to the workplace whilst being told to continue to work from home wherever possible.

Despite this, one thing is clear, by the 19th of July the remaining lockdown restrictions will have been lifted, and many businesses will be encouraging their employees to return to their office spaces.

workers in covid time greeting with elbow bump

Restrictions are being lifted

With legal restrictions being lifted, some organisations will make the mistake of going back to how they used to work before the national lockdown — throwing caution to the wind. Rather than saying restrictions aren’t needed, the government is simply transferring the responsibility of safety to individual businesses.

These are new responsibilities that, if ignored, could cost businesses financially and emotionally. Companies with a laissez-faire attitude could see their doors close for the last time. This is especially true as the new Delta variant seems to spread faster than its predecessor. It could damage the industry in this country even more effectively.

So, what precautions should be taken?

  • Minimise unnecessary visitors
  • Ensuring 2m (6ft) social distancing, or 1m social distancing with additional precautions
  • Frequent cleaning
  • Extra handwashing facilities
  • One-way systems to minimise contact
  • Using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible

The Military of Defence and the NHS have kept their doors and office spaces open throughout the worst waves of the pandemic. To ensure their workers were safe they used spacebands, which aided their control of the virus. spacebands prompt social distancing and collect contact tracing data, so that effective decisions can be made if an infectious person is identified within a workforce.

Wouldn’t it be responsible for the government to promote the device they are using and share the benefits with private businesses? Rather, they keep the secret to themselves, whilst the world reopens.

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