WhatsApp white chat icon

Software and wearable technology that makes workplaces safer

Our wearable devices and analytics software combine with a range of safety and well-being features to make workplaces safer and staff more productive

decibel monitoring icon white


Safety Feature

Monitors loud noise levels; alerting the user regarding overexposure and PPE warnings where required.

hand arm vibration icon white

(hand arm vibration)

Safety Feature

The wearable device measures hand and arm movement during machinery operation, tracking exposure time and maximum session duration.

machine to person collision icon white

Machine to Person

Safety Feature

This feature uses a Beacon on forklifts or machinery to alert wearables in proximity (proximity is customisable).

PPE reminder icon white


Safety Feature

This feature uses a Beacon to check if users have the required personal protective equipment.

certification required icon white

Certification Checks at Access Zones

Safety Feature

This feature uses a Beacon to check if users have the required certification for accessing specific areas.

unauthorised access icon white

Unauthorised Access Zone Checks

Safety Feature

This feature uses a Beacon to check if users can access an unauthorised zone and alerts accordingly.

SOS person down icon white

SOS Alarm
(coming soon)

Safety Feature

The wearable device supports SOS alarm activation, alerting nearby wearables in real-time via a Bluetooth mesh network.

trips and falls icon white

Trips and Falls
(coming soon)

Safety Feature

The wearable device detects trips and falls, triggering an alarm with customisable alert type and duration.

working from height white logo

Working at Height (coming soon)

Safety Feature

spacebands' wearable device alerts staff working at height to ensure they are wearing the correct safety equipment

lone worker icon white

Lone Worker
(coming soon)

Safety Feature

This feature uses a Check-in Hub for lone working, alerting users to check in periodically when working alone.

environmental temperature monitoring icon white

Temperature Checks
(coming soon)

Safety Feature

Track environmental temperature; enables temperature threshold alerts, and records temperature data.

building occupancy monitoring icon

Building Occupancy
(coming soon)

Safety Feature

Check-in Hub monitors attendance, enabling check-in/check-out and shift tracking.

social distancing icon white

Social Distancing
(coming soon)

Safety Feature

The wearable devices track proximity to other devices, capturing time, duration, and device contact information.

break reminder icon white


Well-Being Feature

Devices alert users for scheduled work breaks. Data stored includes time and date of break alerts.

pedometer icon white


Well-Being Feature

Pedometer feature tracks users' daily step count with a customizable goal. Default goal is 10,000 steps.

stretching alert icon


Well-Being Feature

Wearable prompts stretching if user is stationary for too long. Customisable reminders. Default: every 3 hours.

well-being prompt icon white

Daily Well-being

Well-Being Feature

Wearable displays customisable well-being prompts from the dashboard. Increase morale with daily prompts.

mood tracker icon white


Well-Being Feature

Wearable asks users about their mood at work. Track workplace well-being scheme success by monitoring mood.

left arrow white icon
right arrow white icon

Raise your safety game

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white dots backgroundwhite dots backgroundspacebands analytics graph of health and safety dangershealth and safety analytics information display on mobile
spacebands orange icon element