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Customise safety features on the move with the mobile app

The spacebands mobile app allows you mobile control of your safety feature settings

spacebands mobile app allows you customise health & safety features on the goMobile app displaying health and safety data analytics
spacebands mobile app allows users to control features and read saved information

Mobile App

An admin can be on a construction site and change the proximity alert distances to suit the environment, no need to wait until returning to the office.

The mobile app uses Bluetooth technology to connect to our devices with a necessity for an internet connection at all times.

The spacebands mobile app is a downloadable app that allows admin users to go through initial device setup and customise features on the go.

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Mobile App Explainer

spacebands have a range of safety features designed to save lives, improve awareness and reduce costs.

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Explore the spacebands devices

spacebands have a range of safety features designed to save lives, improve awareness and reduce costs.

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Check-In Hub

Used for Lone Working and Building Occupancy features...

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Beacons send a signal to nearby wearables...

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Wearables alert users to potential hazards...

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Charging Station

Charging stations charge wearables and sync data...

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Accident and near miss data is saved to the analytics dash...

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spacebands are helping Health & Safety managers around the world reduce accidents, injuries and legal claims

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Sarah H

HSE Manager

spacebands are a game-changer for us.  The customisation options are fantastic, and they have so many features that other wearables don't. Now I feel confident we have the best tools to keep our team safe.

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Mark C

HSE Director

Keeping our employees safe and healthy is a top priority.  spacebands' wearables have been invaluable. The data we get is super detailed and helps us identify areas for improvement.

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Alex P

EHS Officer

We were blown away by the depth of data it collects but what really sets spacebands apart is how incredibly easy they are to implement.

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David N

Site Manager

We were facing challenges in finding a health and safety wearable that could operate effectively in areas with poor Wi-Fi connectivity.


Let's Talk

Investing in spacebands is a great way to prove to your workforce that you genuinely care about their safety and well-being at work.

Our system keeps employees safe, as well as saving HSE managers significant time spent on admin, freeing up time to focus on keeping your team safe.

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Frequently Asked Questions

spacebands are helping Health & Safety managers around the world reduce accidents, injuries and legal claims

Can anyone get access to the mobile app?

Anyone can access the spacebands mobile app to view data from individual devices (as long as the devices are within Bluetooth signal proximity and are not password locked). Only admins can use the mobile app to configure device settings.

How soon after making changes on the app do they go live?

Immediately. In order to make changes to an individual device using the mobile app, the device must be within proximity of the mobile app (using Bluetooth) and changes to settings are changed instantly. If you make a change to settings via the dashboard (desktop) this will be synced to your devices when they are next placed on charge.

How much does it cost to add extra admins?

We do not charge for admin users, you can have as many as you want. See our pricing page for more information on charges that apply.

Does the app record user movement?

No, the app doesn’t record user movement, spacebands wearable devices don’t have GPS tracking. There is a pedometer feature on spacebands wearables that tracks steps but the user’s location is never recorded. We don’t want to overstep the privacy line, ever.

What happens to the data saved within the dashboard if we stop using spacebands?

We will delete your data if you would like us to do so, please email us at help@spacebands.com.

Can multiple users use the same admin login?

No. Each admin user must have their own licence and login. If multiple users used the same login information there would be no way of telling who had made changes to the settings.

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