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Pioneer the future of workplace safety. Join the waitlist to experience spacebands' revolutionary wearable and data platform.

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Limited trial packs available
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Trial packs are free of charge*
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Current wait time: 8 weeks

*Trial packs require a £500 (GBP) deposit, refunded upon return of trial pack

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Protect staff against...

Save lives and cut costs with spacebands unique and affordable wearables.

spacebands graphic icon orange
Unauthorised access zone check icon
Unauthorised Access Zone Checks
This feature uses a Beacon to check if users can access an unauthorized zone and alerts accordingly.
Machine to Person Collision icon

Machine to Person Collision

Safety Feature

This feature uses a Beacon on forklifts/machinery to alert wearables in proximity (Distance customisable).

PPE Prompts icon

PPE Prompts

Safety Feature

This feature uses a Beacon to check if users have the required personal protective equipment.

Decibel Monitoring icon

Decibel Monitoring

Safety Feature

Monitors loud noise levels; alerting the user to overexposure and PPE requirements.

HAVS (hand arm vibration) icon

HAVS (hand arm vibration)

Safety Feature

The wearable device measures hand and arm movement during machinery operation, tracking exposure time and maximum session duration.

SOS Alarm icon

SOS Alarm

Safety Feature

The wearable device supports SOS alarm activation, alerting nearby wearables in real-time via a Bluetooth mesh network.

Trips and Falls icon

Trips and Falls

Safety Feature

The wearable device detects trips and falls, triggering an alarm with customisable alert type and duration.

Unauthorised access icon

Unauthorised Access Zone Checks

Safety Feature

This feature uses a Beacon to check if users can access an unauthorized zone and alerts accordingly.

Certification Checks at Access Zones icon

Certification Checks at Access Zones

Safety Feature

This feature uses a Beacon to check if users have the required certification for accessing specific areas.

Machine to Person Collision icon

Working at Height (coming soon)

Safety Feature

Alert users working at height via spacebands' wearable device to wear safety gear.

Temperature Checks (environmental) icon

Temperature Checks (coming soon)

Safety Feature

Track environmental temperature; set temperature threshold alerts, and record temperature data.

Building Occupancy Monitoring icon

Building Occupancy (coming soon)

Safety Feature

Monitor attendance, using check-in/check-out and shift tracking.

Lone Worker Tracking icon

Lone Worker (coming soon)

Safety Feature

Alert users to check in periodically when working alone.

Social Distancing icon

Social Distancing (coming soon)

Safety Feature

Track proximity to other devices, capturing time, duration, and device contact information.

spacebands graphic icon orange
Unauthorised access zone check icon
Unauthorised Access Zone Checks
This feature uses a Beacon to check if users can access an unauthorized zone and alerts accordingly.